JobJob market in 2020-2023: the most requested professions - Marcela Oliveira

19 February 2020by Marcela Oliveira0

What are the trends for the job market in 2020-2023? What are the most requested professions? In this article I will talk about the job market situation in Italy in the coming years so that you can plan your moves in a much more strategic and targeted way.

If you are following me for a while, you will have understood that I am very optimistic about the future, but I am also very realistic. Understanding where the market is going is crucial for implementing a winning strategy.


• Job market in 2020-2023:

The first thing to understand is that Italy will continue to grow, albeit little, around 1% in the year of 2020. This is an important fact and must be considered. However, our main question is: “will there be work for the next few years?” and “who will be the most requested graduates?”.


Professional demands in the 2020-2023 period

The forecast is for growth and the expected average annual rate of professional demands will be between 2.6% and 2.8%. Another fact to be considered is that the largest part of professional demands will be from the North West of Italy. In fact, the forecast is that they will assume from 945,400 to 1,016,800 in this period.

Before going into the merits and saying the most requested professional profiles in the coming years, I would like to make a reflection. If you are reading this article, perhaps it is because you would like to know if you will find work in Italy. Let’s go to the figures…


Job market in 2020-2023: will I find work in my sector?

Mercado de trabalho

It is not easy to answer such a complex question, also because it is impossible to answer with a yes or no. All this because your job success in Italy depends on several factors.

What I can tell you is that a good knowledge of the Italian job market combined with a good strategy can only be a winner move. However, knowing the trend of the Italian job market can influence your job success, but not determine it 😉.

So, I suggest you consider these data strategically and use them in your action plan.


The most requested graduates from the job market in 2020-2023

Who will be the most requested graduates? I created a table based on the Unioncamere (2019 report where you can observe the needs of graduates by group of courses in 2020-2023. There are always two scenarios: scenario A based on IMF forecasts and a more optimistic scenario B.

Job market in 2020-2023



The main sector for the professional demands will be that of health and social assistance, the forecast is that the demand will increase by about 4%. This is thanks to the growing demand for care services due to the aging population. Hence, professions related to this sector will tend to be more in demand.



As for graduates in economic disciplines, there will be a greater need for the economic-social area, reaching 26% of the total number of graduates who will be hired. With an absolute value that will be between 180.000 and 218.000 units, of which 128.000 / 134.000 of the economic-statistical group and 52.000 / 54.000 of the political-social group.


Graduates from the humanities area

Graduates from the humanities area are not very far from the previous group. In fact, a number of employees between 168,000 and 175,000 is expected, for a share of 21%.

Graduations included in this disciplinary area:

  • Teaching (69.000 / 71.000)
  • Literary (46,000 / 48,000)
  • Linguistic (27,000 / 28,000)
  • Psychological (21,600 / 22,400)
  • Motor Sciences (5.000 / 5.300).
Engineering-architecture graduates

Mercado de trabalho na Itália
Immediately afterwards we find the graduates of the engineering-architecture disciplinary area with a share close to 20% of which:

  • Engineering: 107.000 / 112.000
  • Architecture: 49,000 / 51,000
Graduates from other areas

Afterwards, the group with a lower requirement than the others:

  • Legal area: between 86,000 and 89,000
  • Scientific area: between 55,000 and 58,000
    • Scientific-mathematical-physical: between 24,000 and 25,000
    • Chemical-pharmaceutical: between 20,000 and 22,000
    • Geo-biological: between 10,600 and 11,300

What do you think of the job market forecasts in 2020-2023? Was that what you expected? Will your professional area be among the most requested ones?


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A strong hug and good luck,

Marcela Oliveira

by Marcela Oliveira

Marcela Oliveira, Brazilian, career coach and Master of Psychology in Organisation and Marketing. She became specialised in integrating foreigners into the Italian labor market, idealising the well-known free course Ricerca Attiva del Lavoro. In 2017, she founded the volunteer project called IntegrationNow.

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